Just signed up for the Pandora free trial through SB3. Couldn't be easier from the SlimNetworks web page. Just click the Pandora button, register and start your music station.

The one thing I noticed was that a few options are missing from the SlimNetworks page that are present from the Pandora web age. Namely the ability to add an artist or song to your station. But you just have to sign in to the Pandora web page with the same user name you got from SlimNetworks to get to those options.

I started with Fourplay as the artist to base my station on and so far so good. A few way too slow and mellow bits but otherwise a great selection of music I have never heard, which is the whole idea I suppose.

I also figured out the internet url thing but may not need it with Pandora, or any other music for that matter.

If anyone has trouble with SB let me know. Im not an expert but might be able to help with the tricky bits.

A quick update - I think Pandora is truly getting better at picking the music I want. I got rid of few really solw songs and it has picked up the pace a bit and seems to really be scoring for me. Cannot explain the Jimmie Buffet to Frank Sinatra segue but give it time it just might surprise you.


Last edited by LHawes; 09/19/06 01:07 AM.