My Wife has had the Zen for quite a while and has only been listening to it with cheap earbuds. I tried it once a few weeks ago with my MS-1s and it sure sounded a lot better than what she had. She isn't too concerned with fidelity, as a matter of fact she usually listens with just ONE EAR so she can hear what's going on around her, and to get lots of tunes in her machine she normally use the most compressed of sampling rates!!

One day while praising up the KSC 75s I also showed her a picture of a mint-can-amp, and she wondered where(small as it was) she could put such a thing!!

Sho also thought the Kosses would interfere with her glasses. I batted a zero that day.

She is slowly coming around though. I caught her looking at new higher capacity players and even my MS-1s, so.....

There may be hope for her yet!