Just getting counted in. I love all types of music but at 37 years, the metal blood still rules.

Best of all, Metal never died! Every other generation's music quickly became uncool as they got older but take a look around, I am seeing more teen agers in AC/DC, Black Sabbath, KISS, and Led Zeppelin shirts than when I was young! Dark side of the Moon Logo's are everywhere! (OK that's not really metal but it is classic.) Death Metal and Thrash is raging over Europe again.

My 16 year old nephew asked me a for a copy of my AC/DC concert DVD for Christmas. I was so impressed, I bought him a real copy and threw in Metalica for good measure.

Along with veteran rockers reappearing everywhere, new bands are keeping up the tradition too.

-- Three Days Grace is simply a old fashioned, hard workin rock band.

-- System of a Down keeps us hard core guys awake,

-- Billy Talent is keeping hard rock with a punk influence alive and well.

--Nickleback, like em or not, are the new heroes of Stadium Rock, taking over where Bon Jovi left off before they went all 'metrosexual'.

--Seether's new album is totally influenced by good old old fashioned metal, even if the kids don't realize it.

Tool is definitely breaking new ground. I don't know what the heck to call their music with it's odd numbered drum counts but it's extremely addictive. I had this freaking out my friends in my Jeep stereo for weeks before I took it into the house.

Anyway, to shorten, it's great for somebody getting closer to 40 than 30, to be able to go into a music store, buy his favorite music and not get a look from the clerk like I'm an old fart. Instead, I often get "That's a kickass CD."

Makes me smile !!!

Now anybody got some old bands they have forgotten about that you are almost afraid to mention?
Anyone remember W.A.S.P.

Last edited by Murph; 01/02/07 04:01 PM.

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