Guys. THANKS so much for your info so far. Sorry so long to get back. Have been terribly busy at work. Here is what I have at the moment. 12 x 18 room vaulted ceilings with a fair amount of glass. I have an HK avr55. Bose 201 rear and 151 center (got rid of the 901s for the M80s and the rest when I get the cash). I have had HK since I was young and I haven't yet had a problem. Sorry about yours DrunkenWolf. So far this is what I have on my shortlist.

Several DENON
HK 635 (good price at Abes of Maine)
Sherwood R 865
Rotel RSX-1057

I did have the Outlaw on the list but no HDMI. Thanks Dennis for pointing that out.

Anything else that I should go look at?