
Well its an interesting point you make. However there is an important distinction between how a business conducts itself legally vs ethically.

It is unethical to bash someone else'e product on a forum?
I think that is going beyond the ultra sensitive point for most any human being.
It is a p.c. world but come on, people have thicker skins than that and there are many other companies that use strongarm tactics to get their way. Are they also being "unethical"?

Your poll is rather slanted, esp. in regards to the last question. Obviously anyone would answer no to that third statement compared to selecting the other two options and the poll shows that result, but there is an insinuation that their practices are incredibly malevolent by using the term 'unethical'.
I don't think what SVS has done is unethical at all. Mudslinging at best and even the politicians do that, but it certainly is not unethical.
We may think it is not very "honourable" but honour and ethics are two different things.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."