Conceptually, the swing, etc are very similar btw Wii Sports golf and Tiger Woods. But TW gives you more control and many more options.

I've never owned a TW game before, but have played it a couple of times at other people's homes. I get the sense that TW old-timers don't love the Wii version because it's missing some options they have gotten onother platforms.

Personally, I didn't love how the Wii Sports golf actually played. I felt like I never got the swing of it (yes, pun intended), particularly putting. People still complain about the controls of TW golf, but I find it *much* better. The few tips/tricks I've learned:
- I actually swing much better just using one arm. I keep my eye on the screen, and have developed a nice, smooth, and consistent swing (for the most part!).
- While you're getting ready to swing, WATCH THE SCREEN. If you see your golfer start to move, let go of the B button. Otherwise, you'll get out of sync and do something other than you intended, usually underhitting the ball. Little twitches while you're setting up can make the controller think you've started to swing.
- When you're addressing the ball, make sure your golfer has the club in a good spot. I was surprised to figure out that when you press the B button to get ready to swing *does* matter. Sometimes you're positioned a little above the ball rather than solidly "beneath" it. [I'm not a golfer in real life, and I'm sure it shows in my describing all this!]. So press and let go of the B button a couple of times to see where the club head is relative to the ball.
- When playing with new folks, I recommend turning mulligans on. We've developed house rules (when my father-in-law comes to town) where if you have a horrible shot because of the user interface interaction (like the issue mentioned above) that you are allowed to take the mulligan. It is pretty obvious when that is the case because of the onscreen golfer and person being out of sync. It does NOT get used for just a plain old crappy shot!

Overall, I enjoy the game, and come back to it for short bursts when I've got some time, or when some other people are around.
