Question for the group:

Is it me or does DTS sound better than Dolby Digital? Or is that due to the platforms (Sony plays DTS, MS converts everything to DD?) I have the M60 package with the XBOX 360 HD DVD drive and the PS3 with native blu ray. What's the consenus on DTS vs DD? is the PS3 just a better in home theater (except for that freaking blue tooth)? Or is my equipment the limiting factor?

Not to start a format war, but I'm curious where the market / people stand on the integration of the high end video & sounds formats with MS and Sony. I'm guessing that MS has some sort of exclusive with Dolby, since they convert everything to DD, even if the source is DTS.

I understand this is a loaded questions with a lot of personal perference and technical assumptions on your room, set up and equipment.

Also I have Denon reciever (which I'm very pleased with)