good luck
that may be an added expense that most dont need.
well i guess their gonna get rained on anyway, so maybe it isnt a big deal.

I used to repair pagers, back when mostly doctors and hookers had them. this outfit from florida bought us up, and started sending his bad units up to us to fix. I was surprised at what being in that environment can do. Well just look at the roofs on the homes on the coasts, and you'll get the picture.

i guess it all boils down to how the warranty is written.

lots of luck with the new product, and thanks for the axiom bucks, i got them today


Hi Murph;

It is our intention to make them salt air resilient and we are testing for that right now - stay tuned!

Axiom M80, Ep600, Qs8, VP150, Crown XLI 2500 , DBX Driverack PA2, Focusrite Scarlet 2i4