Oh cool. That's the first 5 speaker wall plate I've seen. Most have 4 pair of connectors. That would give me a connection to remote my subwoofer, which brings up another question.

Looking at my sub, I have a few RCA jacks on the back that are used for "pre out" from the receiver, using the built in amp on the sub. I also have bananas that are labeled for use with an external amplifier. Currently I am using the pre out RCA connectors.

In order to extend the subwoofer cable through the previously mentioned wall jack, I guess I would need to figure a way to craft a pair of RCA to banana cables. I feel like I'm missing something here. I've also never done RCA connector terminations...so that could explain the confusion.

Back to the original question, I appreciate the feedback. I was pretty sure I wouldn't affect the SQ no matter which method I used, but I'd hate to put shoddy parts on the ends of quality cable. I guess since I work a lot with fiber optics that, in my mind, each connection point has an associated loss (in this case, loss of conductivity). True for fiber, maybe not so critical for copper. If you count the connection points, adding faceplates to the solution triples the connection points from 4 to 12! Throw in a few low quality interconnects and it's enough to put this poor old boy into a tailspin of fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Ken. VaSSallo Series M60v2, VP100v2, QS8v2 SVS SB12-Plus