Elden, that is a fantastic room. Are you happy with how the horizontal 600 performs in there?

I have to agree with Tom - the toe-in does seem a bit agressive, but that may be because of the eleven and a half foot separation. I might try pulling each of them in about 6 to 10 inches, and easing up on the toe-in. The great thing is that if you don't like it, you can always put them back.

Here is a picture of my 80's, ~8 feet apart, with seating ~10ft back. This seems to work fairly well in that room.

Also, I would try pulling the 150 right to the front of the table. This will eliminate any reflections you are getting off the top of the table. Don't forget to adjust the speaker distance and level settings in your receiver.

You didn't mention what type of receiver are you running. Some have extra settings for the centre speaker. (centre EQ/dialogue "raise"/dialogue enhance) Have fun playing around with them!


Epic 80/600 + M3's + M3 Algonquins + M2 Computer + EP125
I think I'm developing an addiction.