That's a fair recommendation, so I should explain:

One of the services I offer is disc duplication, and have recently "upped" my capability to 600 printed and burned discs/hour throughput. So the thought of duping each of my discs and just throwing them in the jukebox was my original plan and easy for me to do.

But once upon a time when I WAS using the jukeboxes, the data on one became corrupted somehow. The display would read Chick Corea when the slot actually contained Rage Against the Machine. Shuffling within genre or artist became impossible and I had to empty the thing and wipe out it's memory.... about two days of entering in all the information.

So, I thought I would rip each disc to the computer, embed CD Text info, and re-burn a copy. But that's such a monumental task to do for my ~900 discs, and I would still lose "genre" , etc...if it became corrupted again.

After waiting two years to "do the project right", I think technology has passed me by, and there's a better alternative to using the jukeboxes now...!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::