I'll second useing EAC. Something I'm noticing just now after ripping for 3 years is the info from cddb is not consistent.An artist name might be spelled differently on different cds or from different servers. I have several instances where an artist's name is spelled differently (capitalzation and spaces count to a computer) on each cd by that artist, makes it kinda hard to search or shuffle within that artist.I have several cds by Ronny Jordan, one is listed as jazz,another acid jazz, etc. Kinda fouls up the works when there are genras with one stinking cd. Soundtracks and those compilation cds are the biggest pita. I'm starting to think it would be easier to enter the info myself rather than police the dang cddbs info. At any rate, watch that info when you rip.
I would look into unraid if you go with a server.
There's a section on avs for media streaming with tremendous participation and they don't get bogged down with concerns about legality. I stumbled in there and it really opened my eyes to what's possible.