Does this count as an Axiom audio moment? My entire system is disconnected and sitting in various locations in my dining room, along with all the furniture that used to be in the living room. I ripped out the carpet last night (along with the pesky tack strips) and will be installing a new floor (Marmoleum) sometime this weekend or early next week. But, since all the furniture is out of the room, I'm also painting the ceiling and walls. But before I paint the ceiling and walls I have to do all the prep -- and this room has a few problem areas where the prep took some time.

Before I started the "project" I thought I'd have the floor in by now. Funny how jobs always get bigger as you go.

So to tie this all back to audio, since my Axioms and receiver are out of commission for a while, I've unearthed my AIWA boombox so I can listen to music. Dang it sounds like crap. I miss my Axioms.

Now, I have to crack open that can of primer and get back to work.