Once again you guys all come through. Thanks so much for the advice and now I can make an informed purchase.
He will be utlizing a HDTV and looks like we will be going with the premium.

WhatFurrer - He will be turning 14 and is so psyched about getting the 360 although there is still the uncertainty as we have not let on a bit that he will get one. I just can't wait until he opens the present and how excited he will be. That will be so great!
Oh, BTW I may have to sneakin a bit of time on the machine too. Round Rock's not that far away, come on down some time and we will fire up the 360 and the grill.

Hutzal - off topic but just have to ask. I see you are running a pair of M3's for center. What are your thoughts? I have an extra pair of M3's and have been thinking about doing the same.
