
Hutzal - off topic but just have to ask. I see you are running a pair of M3's for center. What are your thoughts? I have an extra pair of M3's and have been thinking about doing the same.


I initially had M3s as centres, they did a very good job in dialog for movies and such. The problem arose when I started listening to 2 channel music utilizing Neo: 6. Quite simply, the M3 centres are not as clear and precise as the M2/M22 speaker. They are much warmer, and possess a very warm and thick sound.

I have since switched my M3s for M2s and like them alot better as a centre channel. I need to update my page The M2s are just amazing speakers, they match the M22s perfectly. However, if I had M50s, M60s, or M80s, I may have just stuck with the M3s, but the M22s just didn't match them.

I am now using them upstairs . I highly recommend dual centre channel bookshelves tho, if you have one above and below, the dialog is fixed right in the middle of the screen.

Also, good choice with the premium. The Elite is a waste of money right now IMHO.

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