I buy all of my HD DVDs through Amazon.com, even though, living in Washington, I have to pay sales tax. They have decent prices (considering), and I'm still getting the 10% off for buying so many HD DVDs at the beginning. It definitely beats paying outrageous local prices.

I bought the Planet Earth series, too. I have to admit I fell asleep during many of the episodes, but what I was awake for was pretty cool. The audio left something to be desired, but the visuals are pretty insane in parts, and yeah, very interesting stuff, sleeping spell notwithstanding.

I also just got The Ultimate Matrix Collection. I watched the first movie last night. I think it's starting to show its age. Now that the special effects don't impress, and we know the story, the shortcomings really start to show. Also, the video didn't look that great to me. I think the extra resolution was wasted. It didn't seem to be cleaned up very much. I imagine the sequels will look better. Also disappointing is The Animatrix being in standard definition. I was really hoping that would be in high-definition. Some of that art is really cool.