
I have no clue what the dB settings on my Denon mean. If anyone has a good explanation, I'd love to hear it.

At a very basic level, zero on the dial should represent 85db of sound at your primary listening area.

I believe 85db is the THX standard for listening to movies in a theater. Actually, I'm not sure if it's 75 or 85 but irregardless, Denon decided that 85db would be their target for what you will get pumped out when you set your volume dial to zero.

Of course this is extremely room and speaker dependent, so you must run the automatic speaker calibration to actually get close to 0=85. You can also adjust this manually, as is often mentioned. The automatic setup feature actually did a great job of adjusting all my speakers extremely close to a 85 db level when I checked manually with my meter. I only had to fine tune by a db or so (making the assumption that the meter was more accurate than the automatic setup.)

I'm not sure if this is what you meant by your quoted statement.

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