
I'm just going to ask PeterC to compose all my future replies.

Is that a good thing?


I'm going to use the iPhone for another data point in the expanding set of GeekMockery indicators.

And that's the whole point of the iPhone.

It's the Paris Hilton of phones. It's cool, it's hip, it's like so totally cool. Ohmygod it's an iPod AND a Phone! Like wow, ok!? ...

And those that brandish them are just as cool and hip as the phone, cuz it's cool.

One must give credit to Apple for creating a PDA phone that is 'cool' and 'chic', and that appeals to the masses. I guarantee that it'll start appearing in the hand/purse/Mercedes Benz of various celebrity photographs in the various magazines very soon. HP/HTC/Microsoft/Palm have never really done that. Blackberry sort of had/has that mistique with the whole 'crackberry' nickname, but they never really capitalized on it. Apple has long known the power of making things easy to use, marketing, and spiffy packaging. Even though I think it's over-hyped and silly, I predict the iPhone will set all sorts of sales records and be heralded as one of the 'big things' for 2007.

Last edited by PeterChenoweth; 06/26/07 07:18 PM.

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