The difference between M2s and M3s is pretty dramatic. With a sub, M2s are exquisite little speakers but without a sub they do sound thin on anything but acoustic-heavy material. Mounting them near the ceiling/wall junction on the outside walls might help boost the bass a bit, but I would look again at wall-mounting M3s if you can.

You can get M2-sized speakers which have more bass (Paradigm Atoms come to mind) but then the bass hump gets very noticeable. After a while I had to get rid of the Atoms because the 100-200 Hz hump was so obvious.

Unless your wife is very tall, remember that humans don't seem to be aware of the third dimension so anything mounted well above eye level becomes pretty much invisible after a while. Just make sure you match the colours properly.

I'm thinking a pair of Algonquins, mounted inverted high on the wall. Alternatively, put a nice shelf up there for knick-knacks and put an M3 / Algonquin at each end.

Final option -- pop a couple of W3s into the ceiling. You would probably want add a bit of framing between the joists and check with Axiom about how best to fasten the holders but that seems like the primo solution.

Last edited by bridgman; 07/02/07 02:18 PM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8