Turn UAC off, it's worthless (the constant prompts). It's the only thing hugely negative about Vista IMO, and you can turn it off.

Back to Cable Cards... I'm not even going to get into the 2.0 debate cause EVERY device currently out there is a ver 1 device and won't utilize any features that 2.0 "could" offer... I guess I got into that debate. ;-)

Now the reason I say they are pointless is cable companies are all moving to "switched video" to deliver HD programing (some much faster than others, ie Time Warner). Basically ver 1 cable cards don't work with switched video. And ver 2 isn't the answer (see above).

Cable companies want cable cards to die more than anything. They want to force everyone to rent their boxes so they can push their on demand type services for more cash. That model only works well on a closed box/system.