One possibility is that your recovery drive is not hidden for some reason. Most laptop and many desktop manufactures use a hidden partition to store a backup of the factory install of Windows and sometimes other files. I know that for some reason with Dell running Vista this “hidden” partition is now visible but not usually accessible except to the backup utility.

If this is the case I wouldn’t mess with this partition unless you really must. It would be easier and safer to add another hard drive if you need more space. If you must delete these files the only way I know how is to reformat the partition which will wipe out everything on it.

If this is just a complete pc backup using the Vista utility and you want to make a more up-to-date complete pc backup I wouldn’t do it over my original factory backup unless I had an exact copy of the factory backup somewhere else.

I have helped a friend with Vista a little so I hope I can help you out but I chose to put XP and Linux on mine new computer as I already knew they worked and don’t like Beta testing for Microshaft.

Mike, I’m just curios why you want to mess with this D: drive?


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