
Does a year of lawn service cost less than purchasing a riding mower?

Peter we usually spend around $760 a year for our lawn service....$20 per cutting @ 4 cuttings per month for the 7 active growing months (April-Oct) and 2 cuttings per month during the slow months. This service also includes edging, trimming and blowing.
Most lawn services typically charge a flat rate for 12 months but there's plenty of freelancers around that will charge a per cutting rate.

Due to my rigorous work schedule throughout the summer months I just don't want to take the time to mess around with yard work for a couple of hours on my one day off during the week and I'm certainly not going to have my wife doing the yard work in the sweltering heat so the service was a no brainer for us and now that we've had the service for over a couple of years we love it....no mowers, trimmer, edgers and blowers to buy, no gas to mix and no more trips to the gas station with gas cans in tow all while having a neatly cut and trimmed lawn works out absolutely great for my wife and I.

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