After thinking about it, I am not sure that a 150Hz cross-over would make the M22s sound any fuller. And another problem with crossing over so high is that you run the risk of vocals coming from the sub and that's not great for imaging either.

I have heard the 22s, 60s and 80s. The 22s sounded too thin to me (relative to the 60s and 80s) but more detailed and transparent than the 60s. The 60s sounded fuller than the 22s but more laid back than the 80s. The 80s sounded like the perfect blend amongst the three. And then there is a set we call the M82 as well. If you are interested in reading more about this, see this post.

If you heard the 22s and you like them, you should just go for them. Budget, space and aesthetic considerations always come into play so when you factor those in as well, you may not be in a position get the top-rated speaker in a family.

Robb, you are more than welcome to bring the 22s to my place and hear the difference between them and the 80s if you like.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated