Here I am... sorry for the absence. I've been extra busy with work and some other things- we have a baby that has required a couple of surgeries the last few months. He's doing great however, but there is more to go through ahead.

Yes Halloween is coming up and I'm also getting ready for that. I didn't have time to create anything new, just trying to get the usual stuff out of storage and ready.

I am still getting used to the new forum look, quite a change. Kudos to Axiom for the update.

I want to say I really appreciate my good friends here. Thanks Michael for starting the thread, and to all for their concern. The timing of the thread is interesting, because I haven't really logged on at all the past 6 weeks, until yesterday when the thread was started. I did some reading yesterday to get back up to date, but didn't make it to the water cooler until today.

Thank you again! Although I can't be around as much as I'd like, I'm proud to say I'll never leave- this is just too nice a place to even think about that. \:\)

* EDIT * After all that my IE7 wouldn't let me submit the post, something about my firewall settings blocking the URL referer. A quick try with Firefox and it worked great (obviously ;\) )

Last edited by dllewel; 10/11/07 03:55 PM.


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