Isn't a recommendation just a statement of your own personal preference? If I were to recommend to you to buy a Camry over an Accord am I not just stating my own preference? It is still up to the individual to look at all possibilities and decide what they want. Now if enough people recommend to not try this or that, then there might be something to it, yes/no?

Dual M2s are not a single M22 especially when split top and bottom, running split up allows the sound to envelop the screen area better so to not be localized as the single M22 was. But as you said, it was just our preference and in my environment.

Everything stated about speakers has to be taken with a grain of salt as they will sound slightly different in everyone's own environment. Just as the EP400 was much better suited to my place than Mojos. It almost worked for HT on its own.

M80 v2
VP160 v3
QS8 v2
PB13 Ultra
Denon 3808
Samsung 85" Q70