Excellent question.

One other thing worth considering is that the Onkyo has the Audyssey Multi EQ system. People who have used that high-end version of the room equalization software seem to believe in it. I am of the opinion that the room might be more important than the head room \:\)

But I'm tempted by the Emo stuff, too. I think I'm going to wait for version 2 so that I can get some more elegant HDMI switching out of the deal.

If I had to get something NOW, I'd probably get the Onkyo. You could always use it as a processor and upgrade the amp later if you felt like you needed to.

I do respect the opinions of those with more experience than I. There is a compelling case that getting the amps out of the processor chassis might mike a difference in SQ.

Good luck, and please post your decision and experience \:\)

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