That is why I sent it back, there is no reason that 2 of those MPS-1 mono amps driving efficient 80's should have been shutting down when they did. The sound was outstanding up until the point that they would shut off. The problem was a built in circuitry limiter which would shut off prematurely, in my opinion.

There were times when we were just watching movies and during explosion scenes one of the amps would occasionlly shut off during those dynamic peaks. And we don't watch movies at insane volumes, maybe -15dB on the Denon dial.

I don't want to stir up an old debate as I think Emotiva products are great, and it is possible that they have resolved those issues. I was not the only one having the issues, others on AV123 with 4ohm Rocket bookshelves were having the same problem.

Of course they said I was playing it to loud, which I wasn't. That is ok, my Odyssey's keep a smile on my face, true solid state monoblocks based on German Symphony engineering. \:\)

M80s VP180 4xM22ow 4xM3ic EP600 2xEP350
AnthemAVM60 Outlaw7700 EmoA500 Epson5040UB FluanceRT85