I guess it's the concept of diminishing returns that comes into play for me. My Axiom speakers cost just a little over 3gs a few months ago. My TV, which I purchased over four years ago, cost a little over 4g's (which if purchased today would only be about 2g's. Prices on 61" DLP's have dropped considerably!

My newest receiver cost about $250.00 and the sound is fantastic. I have read many reviews and debates over whether a "better" or more powerful amp makes for better sound. I think it is all personal preference and perception. I don't doubt that the A1400-8 could possibly make my M60's, VP150, QS8's and EP500 sound a little better. (I love Axiom by the way!) But is the difference really worth nearly 4g's??? I mean cm'on, it's still just a digital amplifier with some very good capabilities. Maybe if it had the pre-amp built in it would be worth it. I know that if I could even afford the thing that I would be hard pressed to justify the expense. Hopefully, those of you who have already shelled out the $$$$ are not just looking for an improvement in your sound quality in order to justify spending all that money on an amp.

Excuse me while I put on my asbestos undies. ;\)

"Tis better to desire that which you do not have, than to have that which you do not desire!"