Originally Posted By: RJonesUSC

I'm new to the whole home theater, surround, HD stuff - recently bought my first hdtv, receiver, axioms of course and a ps3. I haven't had any quirks with the PS3; movies and games seem to play just fine. The menu comes up like the regular DVD's and all that. I'm curious as to why you think it's not ready for most people? Is there something that different about blu-ray that I just don't see? Also, I see mention of the PS3 or blu-ray quirks...can someone elaborate?
Like I said, I'm new to all this so maybe I'm just ignorant to the issues because I have nothing to compare to.

Some issues are that Bluray is still evolving. Currently, profile 1.1 players are shipping. Profile 2.0 players are on the horizon. Each spec adds different features and I don't know if there are any guarantees that today's non 2.0 players can play of discs in the future.

Then there's the High def audio formats. I believe PS3 is somewhat limited in what it can decode. I've seen reports that there is a FW that will bring PS3 to profile 1.1 but since I don't own it, I don't know for sure.

Another example. Most BD today will not resume. So if you hit stop or power off, it won't remember where you were. Add that to the long power up times (to finally playing the movie) and it can get annoying!

Then you have players (Toshiba and Samsung) which suffer from incorrect implementation of displaying BD's at 24Hz. Again, PS3 can't do 24Hz so it's a moot point.

HDMI pretty much started this whole mess. The HDCP caused a lot of grief because of incompatibility. We're at that growing pains stage with HD/Bluray.

I'm not sure how many will know, but when IBM clones first hit the street, one of the selling points was "it plays MS Flight simulator" It became a benchmark of compatibility. Not all clones got it right in the beginning. No one today would thinks twice about compatibility when buying a Dell, Gateway, etc.

HD and Bluray isn't there yet. Well, HD is "more there" than Bluray, but neither get a 100% mark from my view point.

Denon 4520, EPIC80/500/VP180 Speakers