Yes some, as hard as it is to believe there were a few that did do it for other reasons than personal gain.

As far as historical accuracy You have to consider that much of what is written about any historical event is colored by the perspective of the writer.

Well I know that this is said a lot by many people about historical accounts nowadays, but how is that different from any writing? After all pretty much everything written down is from a specific point of view, it's hard to be totally impartial, such is human nature. To me that's not a problem as long as the author is honest about his/her perspective.
That's why when it comes to any historical subject we need to read documents and reports from many different people to get a somewhat accurate picture of the facts.
Anyway all I'm trying to say is that yes I'm aware that one has to be careful when dealing with historical documents and that's why I said what I said about that movie, while not the worst when it comes to accuracy, it's very far from being accurate either.

I'm not trying to hijack the thread any further, so I apologize if I've annoyed anybody here.

Last edited by skyhawk669; 01/10/08 02:15 PM.