Tolerance is the variable at which an electronic component meets its rated measure, and is identified as a + or - from the rating. If a capacitor has a 25% tolerance (purley for example) from its rated measure then what makes you think it will perform its function in an electrical circuit "as good as" a component that more closely meets its rating? Its not a difficult concept to grasp, and it is based in fact, otherwise the mathematical/physical principals behind all of it might as well be bunk!...

Axion does not "engineer" the individual components used in its XO's, they buy them from manufacturers (and in bulk), and they may or may not be the best component for the job at hand, but they get it done. For example: Iron core inductors are used in many XO's mainly because of their cost, but also because they have very low DC resistance and a small size for their given value. However, iron core inductors are known to introduce more distortion as apposed to foil coils...You can call it "woo" if you like, but some ears can hear the difference...

Its a free country, but the only way that you are ever going to know anything for yourself is to experiment for yourself, otherwise you are going to be taking somebody elses word for what you believe to be true anyway ... )