Hey buddy, it's going great. Still having problems but such is life. I've been able to get up and enjoy a couple movies recently!! Mojo, our room dimensions are fairly similar and I was wondering if you think my subwoofer placement would be best on my sidewall similar to yours? With my subwoofer in the corner it doesn't seem to pressurize the room equally, it's especially noticeable if you're in the left side of the room where the sub is. I know it's normal to get more base the closer you get to the subwoofer but it seems fairly localized. My friends are coming over tonight so maybe I can get them to help me out(the subwoofer crawl is too time-consuming when alcohol is around :-).

Thanks and all the best to you and your family

[url=] Room pictures[/url]

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.