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The loudest peak levels I ever measured in Thomson were from about the fifth row orchestra--103 to 105 dB on a work for chorus and orchestra. Two sets of percussion. Mahler?

Although I've never been to either of those halls, that number alone tells a lot. In the Meyerson Symphony Hall of Dallas (which, incidentally, has one of the best concert-hall acoustics that I've ever experienced in the US, Europe, and Japan), the peak SPL readily reaches 115dB and beyond, at the front section of the orchestral floor or on the choral terrace. The organ pedal tones that you "feel" on the choral terrace seat is almost scary, too. (and yes, I've brought in my RS meter to the concerts. hahaha...)

A wide-angle shot of the Meyerson Hall

Last edited by sushi; 09/30/03 05:55 PM.