I have followed the "Craigsub" chronicles at AVS from the beginning and have often thought about what I could be possibly missing. I have one EP600 and feel like I am lacking nothing whatsoever in bass response... but that is just my opinion.

This is a hobby and you can get really crazy with it. In fact, in one of the treads of a competing sub line the subject was mentioned that a fellow canceled his order for a particular subwoofer because he developed "tinnitus" from listening to loud bass over the years both in his car and at home. Interestingly, more than a few other folks chimed in that they had tinnitus also and discussion ensued about how they cope with it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can overdo this whole bass thing beyond just enjoying good music/movies... but sometimes that can be fun too. To each his own.

"Never, never, never give up "... Winston Churchill