In Untario we refer to the liquor store as the Elsie B.O. (LCBO - Liquor Control Board of Ontario)

Other things uniquely "Canajan":

The Enay Chell - Our Nash Null Hockey League.
The Arsey Em Pee - The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The Gradge - A building for storing or repairing automobiles.

You had to get me started......... Do we really sound like this?

The Grake Up - Our Championship football game.
The Grodge - See Gradge.
Klomidder - A thousand meders.
Kwee Beck - A Canajan province. Rarely Kuh Beck.
Oddawa - The cabbidal siddy of Canada.
Oh Peepee - The Untario per vinshull pleece.

Please kill me now..........


Epic 80/600 + M3's + M3 Algonquins + M2 Computer + EP125
I think I'm developing an addiction.