Ah, yes. The Saturday ritual. Around here, the "two-four" run is usually done after work on Friday. And sometimes it is a "two-two-four" run. Really, the only outlet to buy beer is at "The Beer Store". (which used to be called "Brewers Retail")

When entering "The Beer Store", there is a certain electricity in the air. Excitement abounds and you know you are somewhere special. Everyone is smiling and willing to give a helping hand. Next to Disney, it is the most magical place on earth.

"It would be difficult to find a larger selection of beer anywhere in the world than at The Beer Store. Currently, The Beer Store offers more than 300 brands from over 70 brewers from around the world - and the selection continues to grow. Global brands share shelf space with Canada's best-selling labels and craft brewers alike."

Here is the link:


Epic 80/600 + M3's + M3 Algonquins + M2 Computer + EP125
I think I'm developing an addiction.