Originally Posted By: medic8r
 Originally Posted By: dllewel
The only negative side effect from watching this show is the inability to resist saying "that's what she said" to anything remotely applicable. ;\)

That's what sh -- no, this isn't one of those times. Dang!

*waiting in the bushes for a good opportunity to pounce*

I like when Oscar is talking about Ryan and he says something like "the biggest mistake? The beard." I lol'd so hard because all season I have been saying how terrible the beard is.
The above quote also reminds me of scrubs when "The Todd" has new boss that wants him to be more mature and he makes some sort of deal to be involved in some really great surgery. The new boss says to him "you can't do it that way you have to go in from behind" the camera then show "The Todd's" Eyes light up then it cuts to him outside of the OR taking his gloves off Saying "it was worth it".

Leave the gun, Take the canolis.