
Firstly, thanks for your collective advice and words of wisdom on this forum. After reading several reviews, many forums, and countless posts here I finally pulled the trigger on a HSU VTF-3 MK3, a pair of M80s, a VP150, and an Emotiva LPA-1. I just set it all up last Friday and I've been cracking wood ever since.

Getting down to the heading of this thread, I have a somewhat amusing story pertaining to the WAF that I'm sure some of you will appreciate at my expense. Here goes...because, as per the W, we did not need new speakers, ("They're not broken Mr. Spendy Pants."), I had to negotiate to arrive at the desired AF. What did I give up you ask? Well, I hope you're sitting down because if your reaction is anything like that of a friend mine the ensuing laughter might deplete your O2.

In short, I gave up approximately one quarter of my left nut. I'm cooking dinner 5 nights a week (yes, that's a five) for the next 5 weeks (yes, that's another fiver) PLUS one breakfast per weekend. And as if that wasn't enough, I also had to throw in new patio furniture. Egad!!!

The only saving grace in all this, (besides cranking the glorious tunes while I burn the yams), is that I'm not responsible for ANY of the cooking related cleanup which, under the previous arrangements when she was head chef, was my domain. Needless to say, the BBQ will be running at maximum capacity (can you bbq eggs?). At the moment, I'm quite content with the arrangement, but that's just my opinion. Initially, that same laughing knob of a friend was gloating about how I badly I took the shaft until he came over and had a listen. Guess who’s scheming his own WAF plan now? Guess who asked me if I have any simple recipes? Ahhh yes, from time to time one must savour the sweet taste of irony.

Anyway, this journey to a freshly lightened package has me wondering if any of you had to undergo similar tactics to get some shiny new speakers through your front door.

Who dares to share???

Last edited by honkongphooey; 05/27/08 06:14 AM.

"It's a nocturne. You know, Frederic f**king Chopin?" John Henry (Doc) Holliday