The whole reason that we are getting this new trend of soundbars, in-wall speakers, in-ceiling speakers, incredibly thin speakers and tiny cubes speakers that fit in the palm of your hand is because most people aren't trying hard enough with WAF. Some guys are probably looking at getting speakers right now and show the wife a picture of these beautiful tower speakers and subwoofer and the wife just says, "NO WAY is that going to go with the decor...the tower is almost as tall as I am and the sub is the size of an end table and looks like a expect to put these where in the room?" and that is the end of the subject. Then the guy ends up with one of the above mentioned in the first line, each of which is a big or possibly huge compromise in sound quality.

You guys aren't trying hard enough! I had to fight hard to get every piece of equipment in my home theater and I am very glad that I did. I didn't take it to the point where I was worried about a divorce or anything even close to that, but it sure wasn't easy with most of the gear that I purchased. This is great story honkongphooey. Think of all the great time that you can enjoy with your Axioms and all you have to do is cook for a month. That isn't so bad. All of you guys out there looking at getting some nice new speakers, make sure that you don't give in and get a speaker that compromises sound quality just for WAF. Put up a good fight.

- Nick