Originally Posted By: RickF
 Originally Posted By: Hutzal
My honda accord, that used to cost $45 to fill when I bought it, just cost me $72...this sucks!

Wow, what does that have a 19 or 20 gallon tank? I've been putting in around $40-42 to fill my Corolla, but it only has a 13 gallon tank.

Paid $1.27 a litre yesterday, that's about $4.66 a gallon in US dollars. Sadly I think this is something we all are going to have to get used to.

That's awfully high, just under what we're paying for diesel down our way Wayne ... I topped off the boat the other day, $252.00 for 63 gallons of gas, looks like we'll be slow trolling this summer!

Its a 55 litre tank. We are paying $1.30 a litre here in Calgary...not sure what that is in Gallons, probably aroung $4.70...man I can't wait to move to the states for cheaper gas...

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