I have a feeling you'll end up purchasing an Axiom system. I'm pretty sure it will beat all the systems that were recommended to you -- especially for classical/jazz/acoustic music.

Are you interested more in bookshelf sized speakers or floorstanders? If you would prefer bookshelves, then the Axiom M22ti is your best option. I own these myself and they are definitely the best $400 speakers I've ever heard. To build a top-quality system around those, I'd add a VP150 center channel ($350), a pair of QS4 speakers ($310), and finally an HSU VTF-2 ($499). That brings the total price to $1599. If you opt for factory outlet speakers (which I highly recommend), you can bring that price down by almost 10% to ~$1400.

As far as receivers go, I'd recommend the Yamaha RX-V1400 to drive this system. It MSRP is $799, but you can find it for a bit over $600.

The reason I (and others here) recommend the Yahama is because of its YPAO feature, which automatically calibrates and adjusts all your speakers for optimum sound.

This total system will outshine all three recommendations you listed below. I'll leave it to other people on the board to either contradict or support that claim.