I don't know anything about the JBLs but I did do an in home audition of the Aperions (522s I think it was). I don't mean to bash Aperion, but to my ears and my sons they sounded "screechy" (harsh). I promptly packed them up and shipped them back after one day. Some would say they needed "breakin time" but I could tell right away that I couldn't live with them.

I have a pair of M22ti and I love them. If I didn't already own the KEF Q series HT speakers, my dream would be to have 7 M22tis (yes, even for a center) all round'. I haven't heard any of the other Axioms but I'm sure they shine just as brightly (shining star bright, that is) as the M22ti.

There are many great receivers on the market today. Some of the latest models from Yamaha and Pioneer have an automatic setup system which includes "Auto EQ". I and many others feel that this is a very worthwhile feature and that in the near future many other manufactures will jump on the EQ band wagon as well. I have the RX-2400 and just love it. The RX-1400 is a great value as well(same processor slightly less power). Pioneer Elite reveivers should be considered too but may put you out of budget. I recommend buying from stores such Tweeter Electronics because they have a 30 day money back return policy. This way, you could audition several different brands in home (which is the best place to get to know about a product like this).

In reply to:

My wife and are just learning about HT & AV and really don't want to become experts.

You don't have to become an expert but if you invest in a good, modern HT receiver, you should be prepared to spend some time learning how to use it. It can be a bit daunting. But you can gleen all kinds of helpful info from boards like these and there are many folks on this very board who are more than willing to help you with your questions.

You can't go wrong with the HSU. SVS is also another sub to consider.

BTW, unless you wall off the other 1/3 of your room, the whole area must be considered when planing for speakers and how to power them. Larger rooms require more power to fill them up (you can't just fill up 2/3s of the room and ignore the rest of it.) Considering your room size, you may want to opt for the HSU VTF-3 subwoofer. Good luck and check back to the Axiom board often.

P.S: Once you hear your music on a terrific system such as you are considering, you may change your mind about listening at "lower volumes".

I live the life I love and I love the life I live.