On a related subject, I'm weighing the Outlaw RR2150 (pseudo vintage) and something like the Samsui 9090 (truly vintage) to drive the speakers. Any thoughts?

My library will largely be PC based so I'm going to have to convert digital to analog somewhere. This will either be done by the 2150 via it's USB port or with an external USB DAC if I go the vintage route.

The other concern is that my living room (in it's current furniture layout) isn't that big. Am I going for overkill with 80's and a powerful receiver? I don't want to limit myself with bookshelf speakers in case I move or come up with a differnt seating/listening position. I assume that the M80's are so pleasant that even if I never gave them a workout I'd love them?

The 60's are brilliant and I could probably just buy two more of those. But as I mentioned above, I've heard the 'warmth' missing when I listen to the 60's without the EP500 so I know there's room to grow and presumably keep the detail.


My M60's make me listen
My M80's make my ears hear
Either way - I'm not deaf anymore