Rant Alert!

The Canadian dollar has been at, or around, par with the American dollar for more than a year now...so why are most A/V manufacturers still ripping us Canucks off with ridiculous mark-ups? I bought a receiver recently, and it was well worth my while to:
1) drive down to the US
2) hide the damn thing in my spare tire well so I wouldn’t have to pay “Duty” (which makes me wonder, what does that F stand for in NAFTA anyway?)

Axiom seems to be a rare exception in this regard. Their US/Can pricing is actually logical, and, if you’re lucky enough to live near the factory (like me)…they give you a discount for picking them up yourself.

I guess my issue is with the rest of the stores in Canada….So, does anybody know of any Canadian AV stores that have come around to the fact that the Canadian dollar is no longer worth 65 cents American?

I'm sure this has been discussed here ad nauseum, but I just felt the need to b$tch.