SK - I'm relieved to see your post as I was beginning to think I'd turned you off Axiom forever. In fact, I've been kicking myself ever since you left to the point where my wife has forbade me talking about it any further (she's sick of hearing me whining). To say it one more time, I feel terrible about how it worked out! Ugh!!!

But, to answer your questions - the reason you thought the M80s sounded bright is absolutely spot on. They were crossed over at 60 or 80 hz depending on whether we were listening to 2-channel or multi-channel audio, and as a result you were hearing only a fraction of their full capabilities. And, without a sub, no question the high end of the frequency range was being overemphasized. If I'd known the subs were off I could have at least played them full range which also would have been more impressive and balanced than how you heard them.

During the whole audition, I kept thinking to myself - what is wrong here? Unfortunately, like SK said, we only had 20-30 minutes of real listening time and a couple of times I even checked to make sure the 600 was on, and while it was moving (barely), it just sounded strange.

If I have any reasonable excuse it is the fact that I literally have not turned that system past 70 dB since our baby was born 6 weeks ago... and in-between that time and now we added the chairs and riser like I mentioned, and I was thinking that maybe the new acoustics had just thrown the room completely out of whack. As soon as SK left, I got my SPL out and measured output on the different channels. When I got to the sub channel, it was clear something was totally wrong. Of course, being a typical guy, my first solution was, "well, maybe I need to turn it up!"

I cranked up the dial on the 600 from it's former ~20% volume position (first mistake) and then the level on the receiver to +12 (from +1) to make sure I hadn't just screwed something up (2nd mistake)... Alas, still next to no sound.

Going back to the sub I'd unplugged originally (and since re-plugged in), I no more than brushed the RCA input wires and nearly scared myself to death. Both subs started rumbling so loudly that the walls, window frames and doors were shaking. I knocked something off the bathroom wall in the next room and heard my wife shriek downstairs... (which was quickly followed by "TURN IT DOWN!") [which I barely heard over the rumbling, but was wise enough to quickly obey]

I can't help but laugh thinking about that part of it as that much at least was absolutely hilarious (once my heart stopped pounding)... but looking back at the whole experience... sheesh, just seriously bad luck.

So - SK, to make a long story short, you are absolutely on the right track with Axiom, but unfortunately you're in the same position you were before the audition, going a lot on gut feel and a little on what you've heard. Do you come to Austin regularly enough for work or otherwise to schedule a second visit before you buy? (during which no wire tweaking will be allowed or invited) ;\)

If so, lunch is on me (maybe we can even open the bottle of wine you brought me, which I feel guilty about accepting after what happened)... it's the very least I can do. Thanks for posting the note you did above. Makes me feel a lot better. If there's more we can do to help, please keep the questions coming.


Epic 80-800: HG Cherry