You could go one EP800 and one 600 this way you still get the lower extension from the 800 and the extra smoothness of dual subs with some savings.

To continue Jason's thoughts, I am an owner of a PB13 Ultra and I have not played much with the ability to run it sealed. All I can confirm is it is one huge box and plays as well as the 600, but to my ears has more punch at lower volumes than the 600 does, which is why I kept it. I found the 600(actually, all Axiom subs I have heard) has a certain expansive sound that blends better, allows it to be more transparent with music. He is correct in that the PB13 can be bottomed out, but the SPL levels are very high in order to get it to do so, around 105-110db IIRC, I highly doubt it is ever run in normal use at those levels, I know mine certainly never gets near those levels, 100 tops.

M80 v2
VP160 v3
QS8 v2
PB13 Ultra
Denon 3808
Samsung 85" Q70