CV - of all the things I listened to when comparing the 600 to the PB13-Ultra, I found those two movies to show the biggest differences between the two subs. In WotW, the "Pods emerge" scene and the following 5-10 minutes are just incredible for LOUD deep bass.

Pulse I've mentioned earlier as well, but suffice it to say it's the most punishing subwoofer scene I've ever heard. High volume bass with no accompanying background noise at around 13-15 Hz. The kind of bass that should be felt, not heard. With no ports on the 800, I can't wait to feel it and not hear it. \:\) (at very high volumes on both the 600 and the PB13, this scene put out a lot of port noise or distortion depending on the sub)

Even though it is a very revealing scene, you could also argue that it's somewhat meaningless as I haven't ever heard anything like it in any other movie/music/etc. Nevertheless, it's quite fun to see how different subs handle it, especially when the DVD only costs a penny on Amazon used. \:\)


Epic 80-800: HG Cherry