I agree that neither version has a great sound but you might want to be careful what GH III copy you picked up. There are a bunch of down loadable copies of this on Torrent sites and some are just rips directly from the CD, despite their claims.

Somewhere I posted asking for the name of Audacity software that allows you to , among many other things, graphically display a music file to compare things like compression. I wanted to compare my nephews, so called GH III version that sounded exactly the same to me as the CD version.

Audacity displayed them to be all but identical. So from there, we went online and downloaded another copy claiming to be of GH III origin and, this time, the graphs showed considerable difference.

As for audio on the authentic GH III version. I'd have to unscientifically say it sounded improved but I'm still not going to buy the CD or retain the GH II version. I'll stick to my old school Metallica CDs. They still sound crappy, but I like the songs better.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.