Originally Posted By: Ajax
I have to laugh at the "older receiver" thing. My receiver is somewhere between 2 and 3 years old and, though usable, is now obsolete. I used the first receiver I ever owned for 30 years. \:\)

I hear 'ya!

I had always thought of the speakers first, and receiver second, as being somewhat obsolete-proof. I have receivers and integrated amps from 30 years ago spread throughout the house; never felt the need to replace them.

I bought my Denon 3805 4 years ago and am currently looking at replacing it. I really thought that by buying a pretty good one it would last me longer than this! At this rate, I have to plan $250 year on a receiver "cost" and plan on replacing it after four years as if it was a computer...... sigh...I guess it kinda is....(!)

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::