Yes it is a disease.

It's called "upgraditus" and nearly everyone that starts buying nice equipment comes down with it. Those M60's put in in the high risk group!

I started with the simple plan of upgrading my center channel speaker. That turned into a VP150 and a pair of M22's. The VP150 and M22's lead to a switch from an Onkyo Integra receiver to Rotel separates. The Rotel gear then lead to upgrading the M22's for M60's. That lead to a second amp for 7.1. 7.1 lead to QS8 surrounds and M2i rears. Since I've gone this far, I'm not stopping until EVERYTHING has been upgraded. That leaves a new TV and DVD player. At that point I think my upgraditus should start going into remission.

I'm hoping that my remission lasts at least until Hsu comes out with a new "flagship" subwoofer.

Upgraditus. Be afraid. Be very afraid.